The Tourism Study Program is designed to prepare students for dynamic careers in the tourism and hospitality industry through project-based learning, field experiences, and digital technology integration. This program is structured to develop entrepreneurial skills, international perspectives, and practical expertise, ensuring graduates are industry-ready. After 2.5 years, students are able to start their career and can graduates in 3.5 years.
Find the Reasons Why BINUS Tourism is the Best Choice for Binusians.
Project-Based Learning
Students engage in real-world projects, including tourism business development, event organization, and sustainability-focused initiatives, fostering problem-solving and innovation.
Field Trips Every Semester
Each semester, students participate in domestic and international field trips, gaining firsthand experience in tourism destinations, hospitality management, and adventure tourism operations.
Digital Technology Integration
Students develop skills in digital marketing, content creations, virtual tourism, and travel tech innovations, ensuring they are proficient in industry-relevant tools.
International Exposure
A multicultural learning environment with international students, exchange programs, and global partnerships, enriching students' global tourism perspectives.
Entrepreneurial & Professional Development
Equipped with business incubation programs, startup mentorship, and financial planning for tourism ventures, fostering future tourism entrepreneurs.
Taught by Academics & Industry Experts
Courses are delivered by academic scholars and tourism professionals, ensuring a balance of theoretical knowledge and industry insights.
Project-Based Learning
Students engage in real-world projects, including tourism business development, event organization, and sustainability-focused initiatives, fostering problem-solving and innovation.
Field Trips Every Semester
Each semester, students participate in domestic and international field trips, gaining firsthand experience in tourism destinations, hospitality management, and adventure tourism operations.
Digital Technology Integration
Students develop skills in digital marketing, content creations, virtual tourism, and travel tech innovations, ensuring they are proficient in industry-relevant tools.
International Exposure
A multicultural learning environment with international students, exchange programs, and global partnerships, enriching students' global tourism perspectives.
Entrepreneurial & Professional Development
Equipped with business incubation programs, startup mentorship, and financial planning for tourism ventures, fostering future tourism entrepreneurs.
Taught by Academics & Industry Experts
Courses are delivered by academic scholars and tourism professionals, ensuring a balance of theoretical knowledge and industry insights.
Streaming in Tourism allow students to focus on specific areas of expertise.
Tourism & Travel Business
Students will learn the business and operational aspects of the tourism industry, including travel agencies, tour operators, and professional event management
Through hands-on projects, they will gain practical experience in generating profit and managing real-world tourism ventures
Students will collaborate in international teams, enhancing their cross-cultural communication and teamwork skills in a global tourism environment.
Students will explore the adventure and ecotourism industry, focusing on outdoor recreation, sustainable tourism, and environmental conservation
Through hands-on projects, they will gain practical experience in designing, managing, and promoting eco-friendly tourism activities
Students will collaborate in international teams, enhancing their cross-cultural communication and teamwork skills while working on sustainable tourism initiatives in diverse natural and cultural settings.
Courses :
Character Building: Pancasila; Principles of Tourism, Leisure and Recreation; Tourism Ethics and Communication; Field Project of Principle of Tourism, Leisure, & Recreation, Indonesian Culture, Tourism Geography, Tourism Economics, Foreign Language Courses.
Courses :
Character Building: Kewarganegaraan, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Tourism Marketing, Field Project of Tourism Marketing, Digital Tourism, Research Methodology in Tourism, Indonesian, Foreign Language Courses.
Courses :
Character Building: Agama, Field Project of Heritage Tourism, Tourism Destination and Planning Management, Creativity and Innovation, Heritage Tourism Entrepreneurship, Tourism Community Empowerment, Foreign Language Courses.
Tourism students have the opportunity to choose more specific and in-depth enrichment programs according to their career interests and areas of expertise. At the same time, students prepare for thesis writing through a pre-thesis that will equip them with a strong foundation for further research in tourism.
Tourism students have the opportunity to utilize all the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies, complete their research successfully, and prepare themselves to enter the professional world of the tourism industry. With the combination of an in-depth enrichment program and thesis completion, Tourism students in this semester are expected to produce graduates who are ready to face challenges and contribute significantly to the tourism sector.
Memiliki tampilan yang formal dan profesional. Seragam ini terdiri dari kemeja putih yang dipadukan dengan dasi atau pita bermotif kotak-kotak, serta jas berwarna navy dengan emblem di dada.
Untuk perempuan, bawahan berupa rok kotak-kotak dengan warna senada, dan stocking hitam. Sedangkan laki-laki mengenakan celana panjang formal. Serta juga dilengkapi dengan sepatu formal agar memberikan kesan rapi namun tetap stylish. Seragam ini mencerminkan citra profesional yang cocok untuk jurusan tourism.
Memiliki tampilan yang kasual namun tetap seragam. Pakaian terdiri dari atasan berwarna hijau tua dengan bawahan celana hitam atau rok berwarna cokelat. Kombinasi warna ini memberikan kesan natural dan selaras dengan tema perjalanan atau eksplorasi di alam terbuka. Seragam ini dirancang agar nyaman digunakan dalam kegiatan luar ruangan seperti kunjungan lapangan, study tour, atau kegiatan praktik lapangan lainnya.
Digunakan pada saat acara kelulusan memiliki warna dominan biru tua dengan aksen biru muda pada bagian lengan dan sisi depan. Toga ini berdesain modern dengan resleting di bagian depan dan logo Binus University di dada. Dengan menggunakan topi wisuda berbentuk baret berwarna biru tua, dilengkapi dengan tassel berwarna oranye sebagai simbol akademik. Toga ini mencerminkan kebanggaan dan pencapaian akademik para lulusan dalam sebuah acara kelulusan yang formal namun tetap berkesan.
Memiliki desain khas dengan kombinasi warna putih dan motif batik berwarna merah muda.
Untuk perempuan, seragam terdiri dari kemeja putih berlengan pendek dipadukan dengan rok batik bercorak unik. Sementara itu, laki-laki mengenakan kemeja batik lengan pendek dengan motif yang sama, dipadukan dengan celana panjang. Seragam ini memberikan kesan formal namun tetap stylish dan mencerminkan identitas program studi tourism.
“Discovering new places and experiencing something new”, -Rama
Hello There, Greetings!!! My name is Rama Putra Rudiana Since I was a child, I have always liked traveling. My Dad was a tour leader at the time, and he told me stories about traveling abroad. Discovering new places and experiencing something new is somewhat satisfying for me, especially now, when I started my academic […]
“It’s quite a challenging but important experiences in my life” -Esther Cynthia
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“My experiences at Tourism Destination shape everything” -Shearen
After I graduate from Senior High School back in 2014, I gave up my university enrollment for graphic design major and went straight to work at one of Tourism companies in Jakarta. They accept me who graduated from high school with no experience at all and I am forever grateful for that. I worked […]
“Enjoy Learning in Binus Tourism” -Johnie Denver
Hello There, Greetings!!! My name is Johnie Denver, and I’m a Graduate student at Binus University studying Tourism Destination. I have always liked traveling and Taste of culinary of each place we visit, Discovering new places and experiencing something new is somewhat makes me feel excited, especially now, when I started my academic journey at […]
“Every tourism destination in the world is our lab” -Anastasia Bergita
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